New version of the Salazar Games website is online: - I'm very pleased with the way both the games auto-layout and the media presentation developed: Main Page: Excerpt from Media Page: Excerpt from About Page: Some interesting hurdles: 1. Auto-loading of games: In some extremely old versions of the SG website, I would add a separate page and custom box for each game available in our games list- a tedious hour-long process for what should have been essentially a single row in a SQL table. Eventually turning to this method, I modeled a template that pulls the game info from the SQL database with php, then fills three columns in a feed style with game tabs with some greedy column-height based javascript. However, I wanted the ability to test this code locally, with relying on the Fatcow-hosted SQL database. To keep myself from working with a blank game sheet, I changed the route of database, and type of information pulled, based o...
We need a new playspace. Here's one of mine.
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